Sites about horses are interesting. No kidding!

I was very intrigued these last days when I have seen how interested people are when it comes to horses, saddles and other related equipment.

These last days I have started a bit of research because I wanted to see how people build sites about saddles, horses, etc. I have found a site about endurance saddle pads, others about saddles, other about horses, about how to train horses, etc. There is such a vast domain and people just love it. It is one of the most interesting domains, next to golfing and driving fast cars. People spend a good deal of money on cars, horses and other equipment for riding (such as saddle pads for ex)

Roll top desks could make a good topic

I have started lately to work on a site that speaks about that wonderful piece of furniture that is the roll top desk. I am very interested in them since I have seen at one of my grandfather's friends one of these. Since that moment I am constantly looking for them and I have thought to develop such a website to speak about them.

Roll top desks are the result of hard work and a lot of years of experience, so not every furniture manufacturer can build them, they require artistic work and specific knowledge.

Developing a Professional Web Site with Templates

How much a Web site costs depends on how much you want it to do. You can put up a basic "billboard" site for practically nothing if you use one of the homesteading sites offered by services such as GeoCities. There are a number of services that will help you build a simple, ecommerce template business Web site for less than $100. A world-class e-commerce site for a big company, on the other hand, can cost $1 million or more, according to Gartner, and it can require ongoing maintenance costs to match.

But there are always options to cut corners. If you're willing -- and able -- to do much of the work yourself, you can save a fortune in labor costs. You can use freeware and shareware Web building tools instead of spending thousands of dollars on full-blown commercial image editors, HTML authoring programs and other niceties. And you can host your site with your regular Internet service provider instead of a dedicated hosting service.

There's nothing wrong with the low-cost approach, but if you're really serious about growing your business on the Web, I don't recommend scrimping on your site. While you don't want to waste money, investing in a clean, fast, well-designed website that's always up and running for your customers is probably one of the best ways to spend your money.

Web 2.0 is playing major role in developing websites. If you take a glance in that it would be next generation of web development. But for some web developer are not familiar of starting a new era. The best start to this amazing generation of web is using e-commerce website templates that are web 2.0 is all in one.

Three Common Website Design Mistakes That Can Cost You Business

How many times have you visited a website and had to hunt around to determine what that site was about and who it was for? Maybe the site was boring and lifeless with nothing special to draw you in to it. I'd be willing to bet you didn't stick around very long. In the ten years I've been a website design and marketing professional, I've been asked to provide SEO and other marketing services for websites that were developed by other professionals. Getting visitors to a website makes absolutely no sense if they won't stick around and convert to leads and customers. Before you invest in marketing your website, determine whether you have an effective website design. Avoid the following three common mistakes that can dramatically compromise your results.

Mistake #1: No Clear Objective for the Visitor on A Web Page

Ask yourself what you want the visitor to do when they land on your web page? Do you want them to buy a product, join your mailing list or call you for a consultation? Keep in mind that a confused prospect seldom buys. If you are providing multiple choices and linking them all over the place, you are likely to lose that prospect forever. If your main objective is to capture qualified leads, consider providing a free and/or low risk incentive which they receive almost instantly when they fill out your form. The data in the form comes to you by email but is also captured in a database that allows you to stay in contact with that prospect through autoresponders and email marketing. Have your website design company make the fields for name, email and phone required in your form. Make your incentive and form the main focus on the page and include supporting information that encourages the visitor to act now. Supporting information should include benefits in a bulleted list, how you will solve their problem, how you are different, testimonials, FAQs that answer all objections and why they should trust you or your company. A time limited offer such as bonuses will encourage them to act right away. Always incorporate relevant keywords in your copy. Consider using multimedia such as video and audio to further enhance the effectiveness of your message. Combine this information with strong benefit-rich headlines, sub-headlines and formatting, and you will have a webpage that is ready to receive visitors - people who will stick around and become your loyal prospects and customers.

Mistake #2: Poorly Organized Website Navigation

Your website navigation is the framework for organizing your website content. It can significantly contribute to the length of a prospect's visit and the number and quality of conversions. Recently I visited a website that had approximately 15 main level links in the navigation. Links to the multiple services provided were distributed randomly. Information about the company was at the bottom of the vertical menu bar. This was a site that had been developed by a professional website design company. I do not fault them completely because they clearly made no claims about marketing, copy writing or providing anything other than web design services. Not only was I feeling confused and overwhelmed by the navigation on this website, my development team had the same reaction.

Organization of the navigation is critical to enable the visitor to readily gain access to important information such as products and services (which is generally the main purpose of the website). Links to this information should be placed at the top of the menu bar, directly below company information (when that is important to include). When there are sub-menu pages, links to them should readily fly-out or emerge from a collapsible menu. All links should be named to quickly describe what they are, preferably including relevant keywords. Below the featured menu items (products and services) can be supportive information such as testimonials, our clients, press items, articles and links. Sections that might be set apart in a more prominent box below the main menu might include newsletter and photo gallery. I often create a supplemental menu for links to home, contact and other important but supplemental information such as portfolio and blog.

Whenever possible, I try to avoid three levels of navigation. An example is a main menu link to services and a sub-level menu with all of your services, each of which includes multiple pages. Let's say you are a personal coach and you offer business coaching, life coaching and relationship coaching. Your main item might be coaching services which links to each of these three submenu items. Perhaps you also provide a variety of business coaching services such as leadership, time management and budgeting which you want to include as a third level sub menu. Color coding the items so that the visitor on a sub menu page can tell from a color that budgeting, business coaching and coaching services are all connected, will help prevent the visitor from experiencing confusion and getting lost in your website. Some of the best website designs use color coding as a strategy for effectively organizing complex content.

Mistake #3: Missing the Emotional Component

People respond to any type of advertising based on emotions. They respond when they are interrupted by something of interest that clearly relates to them. They are drawn in through an emotional message that educates, answers objections and provides a low-risk offer. The emotional component is what facilitates this process.

The best website designs get inside the head and heart of the ideal visitor (target a hobby, a passion, like for example this site here (, a site about sport motorcycles)). Work with your website design company to create a profile of your perfect customer. Describe who that person is - their gender, education, socio-economic level, interests, problems, etc. Once you capture the essence of this person, you will gain a sense of what they want and how you can engage them in your message. Pictures and testimonials that show benefits received through your products and/or services is likely to be particularly effective. This is where a video or flash presentation can be extremely advantageous.

Let's look at an example. If I am selling an anti-aging skin care product, my ideal customer is a middle aged woman who is middle to upper middle class so that she can afford my product. She is also concerned about her appearance and is willing to invest in products and services that allow her to regain a youthful appearance which will lead to a happier life. To sell my product effectively, I want to show this woman customer compelling before and after pictures and how looking better will translate into a better self-image, improved relationships and expanded opportunities for a better quality of life. I want to reveal testimonials of women just like her and how they experienced life altering benefits through my product. All of this is achieved through the integrating of a strong emotional component.


In conclusion, three common website mistakes include (1) having no clear objective on your web pages, (2) poorly organized website navigation and (3) missing the emotional component. Becoming aware of these important aspects of effective website design can contribute to the quality of the visitor's experience and significantly improve website conversions. Before you invest in SEO, PPC or other marketing strategies from a website design company, make sure you have an effective website design. An attractive website is not the only criteria for being the best website design. It is only one small piece of the Internet puzzle. Choosing a website design company that can provide website design, website development, consulting, multimedia, copy writing and marketing services is likely to produce a better project with much greater return on your investment.

I suggest you visit this page for a large collection of church Flash templates.


Website development can be a time consuming process. However, web design can come out constructive and creative if done effectively. Website design requires certain skill sets and observations that yield guaranteed results. Certain things to keep in mind during website development are as follows:

* CSS utility for text upto 12px can be best suited for reading purposes.

* Bullets can increase visibility and interest in your web content. Remember, web development can be effective only through creativity.
* Like bullets, boxes, paragraphs, sidebars, etc enhance visibility of the website. Clusters increase quality traffic.

* A logo on your website can result in branding and individuality.

* The content is supreme and sticking to the point is an absolute need.

* Make navigation easy through minimal flashes, images and graphics. Easy uploading ensures easy accessibility.
* Images must be used judiciously and some space must be saved for the description around them.

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These are the key essentials for web design/ website design. Web development calls for basic knowledge of technical aspects like designing and content aspects. Graphic designing must be done after all the pros and cons are looked into. Several times, excessive images or animations increase the upload time for the web pages. This can seriously shoo-away traffic. The opportunity cost will go to your competitor. Website design must be judiciously used and web development must be optimum. In case your website becomes well known and you get many advertisement requests on your website, do not let the website design deteriorate with excessive advertisements.
A sitemap on the website provided during website design can be of immense help. The sitemap can ensure that the links are clearly mentioned on your website. This will also help you in case of search engine optimization crawlers.
Colours are an important aspect of website design. Web development stands incomplete without the use of the required colours. Best matched colours can generate use interest into your website. The first impression is obtained through colours and font quality.
When you sell products, the registration must be minimum and easily available to the user. Email id, contact number, address and credit card details can be enough at times depending on the product as a part of web design. Many times users move away due to a marathon registration process. Only those details required must be present.Otherwise, users will only be tempted to move to another website. Also place your website name on every business card, advertisement, mailer, brochure, etc. Web development is only the first aspect. Marketing is certainly challenging too. Website development includes participation in communities and groups on social networking sites, blogs, etc to advertise your products and maximize your reach.
Web development must enable user participation and engagement through interesting surveys, prizes, contests, newsletters, feedback columns, ‘ask us' columns, etc in order to ascertain quality traffic on your website. The website design professional must also check from time to time if the links on your website are functioning or not.

Web Design Jargon Words

Web design is fairly new and constantly changing. Professionals have many words that the common person might not understand when it comes to the lingo of web design. If you are having a website constructed or reconstructed it is important to know at least a few key buzz words that are unique to the industry. Having the knowledge and understanding about what is being done to your site will only enhance your involvement so you can accurately describe how you want your site to feel. Here are a few words you should be aware of


HyperText Markup Language is the markup language for web pages. It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based information in a document. Basically it is the language that web pages are written in.


A tag is a keyword or term assigned to a piece of information for example an internet bookmark, digital image or computer file. This kind of metadata helps describes an item and allows it to be found again by browsing or searching.

Hyper Link

A hyper link is an image or portion of text that is highlighted in some way. It is usually underlined on the web text and its function is to connect the current document to another. Hyperlinks turn plain text into what is called hypertext.


A pixel is the dots on a computer monitor. The resolution on a computer monitor is measured in dots per inch or pixels per inch. This is similar to printing pixels so if you have experience in printing then think of the monitor in the same terms.


Rendering is the generation of an image from a model by using computer programs. The model is a description of three dimensional objects in a strictly defined language or data structure. It provides in formation on viewpoint, texture, geometry, lighting and shading.